Al tempo dei re Borboni il Monte fu centro di caccia dei nobili, specialmente durante l’esilio a Palermo di Ferdinando IV di Borbone tra il 1798-1802. Il re abitava nella Palazzina Cinese e ciò rendeva più facile organizzare le battute di caccia alla volpe e al cinghiale. Sul monte infatti la fauna era abbondante: lepri, conigli, volpi, cinghiali, uccelli di vario genere compresi anche i rapaci. I boschi di pino marittimo e domestico, i lentischi, i cespugli di euforbie, i lecci, gli alberi di alloro, i ficodindia, alberi di mandorli e d’ulivi coprivano i fianchi del monte. Oggi le piante predominanti sono gli eucalipti che sono stati importati dall’Australia proprio per la loro capacità di assorbire l’acqua dal terreno. Nelle zone rocciose si trovano ancora i ficodindia, i lentischi, le euforbie, l’erica lo gnidio (olivella), lo sparzio villoso, simile alla ginestra ma spinosa. Si trovano anche cespugli di cisto femmina con fiori simili a roselline bianche aperte, il timo aromatico, il ranuncolo dai fiori lucenti gialli con otto petali; il camedrio dai fiori azzurro-lilla e dalle foglie bianco-feltrose, l’ailanto, albero dalle foglie verde scuro e dalle bacche rossastre che si trova lungo le strade.
All'interno della riserva è possibile notare anche la presenza del frassino, del pino domestico e d’Aleppo, del pioppo e della felce aquilina. Un’erba molto diffusa è la nepetella o mentuccia e l’aglio dal fiore bianco. Le piante grasse presenti sul monte sono le agavi, le aloe, l’opuntia (ficus indica), il sedum, la yucca.
Plant species on the Mount
At the time of the Bourbon kings, the Mount was the center of the noble hunting, especially during the exile in Palermo of Ferdinando IV of Bourbon, between 1798-1802. The king lived in the Chinese Mansion and this made it easier to organize foxes and wild boar hunting. On the hill in fact the wildlife was abundant: hares, rabbits, foxes, wild boars, birds of various kinds, including even birds of prey. The forests of pine and domestic, mastic trees, bushes of Euphorbia, oaks, bay trees, prickly pear, almond trees and olive trees covering the slopes of the Mount.
Today predominant plants are eucalyptus, that have been imported from Australia, precisely because of their ability to absorb water from the soil. In rocky areas are still prickly pear, mastic, euphorbias, heather, gnidio (olivella), hairy sparzio, very similar to the broom but thorny. You can also find female cistus bushes with white flowers like open roses, aromatic thyme, bright yellow buttercup flowers with eight petals, the avens flowers with blue-purple and white-clotted leaves, the tree of heaven, trees with dark green leaves and reddish berries that are located along the roads.
Within the reserve you can also note the presence of ashes, poplars, pines, Aleppo pines, and bracken. A widely used herb is the “nepetella” or mint and garlic from the white flower. Succulents on the mountain are the agaves, aloes, the Opuntia (ficus indica), sedum, yucca.
Today predominant plants are eucalyptus, that have been imported from Australia, precisely because of their ability to absorb water from the soil. In rocky areas are still prickly pear, mastic, euphorbias, heather, gnidio (olivella), hairy sparzio, very similar to the broom but thorny. You can also find female cistus bushes with white flowers like open roses, aromatic thyme, bright yellow buttercup flowers with eight petals, the avens flowers with blue-purple and white-clotted leaves, the tree of heaven, trees with dark green leaves and reddish berries that are located along the roads.
Within the reserve you can also note the presence of ashes, poplars, pines, Aleppo pines, and bracken. A widely used herb is the “nepetella” or mint and garlic from the white flower. Succulents on the mountain are the agaves, aloes, the Opuntia (ficus indica), sedum, yucca.
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