L'arte antica la rappresentava in veste di una dea guerriera, sul carro; nel mondo fenicio già dal secondo millennio a.C., in statuette, bassorilievi e sigilli, è raffigurata come dea madre, mentre - nuda - si stringe i seni, oppure mentre sorregge fiori di loto o un disco o vari serpenti, o mentre allatta un bambino.
The worship of Astarte
Astarte (from the Phoenician Ashtart [see ishtartu Assyrian goddess =], greek Lstarth, Latin Astarte) a Phoenician deity is common to all the Semitic peoples who later entered the greek-roman world. She was the primitive goddess, the Mother Earth, the progenitor of all living beings, Lady of various cities (Tyre, Sidon, Byblos, Carthage). In Sicily, the cult was spread in Erice, where she was identified with Venus Ericina, and Monte Pellegrino . Her cult also included sacred prostitution. Astarte was also an astral deity. She is given the epithet “Queen of Heaven”. The “Star”, which brings life and light of the people, as it were Inanna / Ishtar, Isis, and many others who share the idea of a Great Goddess absolute and primordial. References to the starry mean that she is not just a telluric maternal deity, but also a heavenly deity, in the possession of knowledge, power and sovereign administrator of justice.The ancient art represented in the guise of a warrior goddess, on a chariot; in the Phoenician world since the second millennium BC, in statues, bas-reliefs and seals, is depicted as the mother goddess, and – naked – it squeezes her breasts, or she holds lotus flowers or a disk or several snakes, or while breast-feeding a baby.
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